My brilliant and inspiring teacher, Thom Knoles is offering his course entitled; Power of Speech to Vedic Meditators worldwide.
This course was originally conducted by Thom in 2010 and is now being released as a recorded course. The course is being offered to Vedic Meditators as a self-study course with 2 live Q&A sessions with Thom.
The dates and times of the live Q&A sessions for Sydney are:
Sunday November 1st, 4am to 6am
Sunday November 1st, 10am to 12pm
- Replays of both these sessions will be available -
I attended this course in 2010 and I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge about the manifesting power of speech. The knowledge you will learn on this course will be very practical and will be able to be integrated into your daily life.
For all the course details and to register, please click here: Thom Knoles Power of Speech Course.
For any further enquiries about the course, please contact Thom's Managers, Susan Chen and Peter Spoerri at:
With love,