Mastering the Siddhis in 2020 - a course for the Advanced Vedic Meditator


If you have completed or are in the process of completing the Exploring the Veda Course then you are eligible to attend the life-changing Mastering the Siddhis Course.

Instalment 1 will be facilitated by Limor Babai on July 11th and 12th, 2020 at the Double Bay Meditation Centre.

For further details about the course and to view the dates, please click here: Mastering the Siddhis.

Mastering The Siddhis in 2019 - A Course For The Advanced Vedic Meditator


If you have completed or are in the process of completing the Exploring the Veda Course then you are eligible to attend the life-changing Mastering the Siddhis Course. 

Instalment 1 will be facilitated by Limor Babai on September 21st and 22nd, 2019 at the Double Bay Meditation Centre. 

For further details about the course and to view the dates, please click here:  Mastering the Siddhis.

Mastering the Siddhis - a course for the Advanced Vedic Meditator

If you have completed or are in the process of completing the Exploring the Veda Course then you are eligible to attend the life-changing Mastering the Siddhis Course. 

Instalment 1 will be facilitated by Limor Babai on September 15th and 16th, 2018 at the Double Bay Meditation Centre. 

For further details about the course and to view the dates, please click here:  Mastering the Siddhis

Mastering the Siddhis - a course for the Advanced Vedic Meditator

If you have completed or are in the process of completing the Exploring the Veda Course then you are eligible to attend the life-changing Mastering the Siddhis Course. 

Instalment 1 will be facilitated by Limor Babai on August 26th and 27th, 2017 at the Double Bay Meditation Centre. 

For further details about the course and to view the dates, please click here: Mastering the Siddhis

Mastering the Siddhis - a course for the Advanced Vedic Meditator

If you have completed or are in the process of completing the Exploring the Veda Course then you are eligible to attend the life-changing Mastering the Siddhis Course. 

Lauren Godfrey will be conducting Instalment 1 in August and Instalment 2 in November, at the Double Bay Meditation Centre. 

For further details about the course and to view the dates, please click here: Mastering the Siddhis

Mastering the Siddhis in 2015

If you have completed instalments 1 to 5 of Mastering the Siddhis and are yet to complete Instalment 6, I will be conducting Instalment 6 at my Centre in Double Bay, Sydney on June 26th, 27th and 28th, 2015.

For those of you who would like to undertake Instalments 1 to 5, my colleague, Lauren Godfrey will be conducting Instalments 1 to 5 at her centre in Coogee.  For dates and details, please click here: Mastering the Siddhis instalments 1 to 5 in 2015 with Lauren Godfrey at the Lotus Meditation Centre, Coogee

For further details about the course, please click here: Mastering the Siddhis

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