Upcoming Long Weekend Retreat - September 8th - 11th, 2022

All Vedic Meditators are invited to attend this Long Weekend Retreat in beautiful Bowral, Southern Highlands from Thursday 8th September (6.30pm) to Sunday 11th September (2pm). 

During the Retreat, you will learn and practise 'Rounding'.  ‘Rounding' combines a simple sequence of yoga positions (asanas) and a Vedic breathing technique (pranayama) with your current meditation practice. 

The result is an 'industrial-strength' program designed to enhance the restfulness of meditation, release your deepest stresses and expand your consciousness. 

In addition to advancing both your meditation practice and waking state experience of life, you will come away from the Retreat feeling refreshed and revitalised for months to come. 

For further details, please click here: Weekend Retreat

Special Meeting - Guru Purnima - July 13th at 7.30pm

Our annual Guru Purnima celebration is on Wednesday 13th July at 7.30pm at the Double Bay Meditation Centre.

Guru Purnima, which is celebrated on the full moon in July, is the night in which we traditionally honour the Vedic Masters who brought to light the Vedic knowledge we all enjoy today.  Limor will perform “Puja” - the ceremony of gratitude that you witnessed when you learnt to meditate.  It is part of the mythos of Guru Purnima that a boon is granted in response to a wish offered with one’s flower at the culmination of the Puja. It is an evening of stories, eating of rich sweets together, taking in a moonlit stroll, and enjoying the good fortune of being a meditator at the dawn of the age of enlightenment.

The evening will include a short group meditation but it will be best to meditate and have dinner before coming.

Please note that due to space limitations there will be a maximum of 40 people attending.
If you would like to attend, please purchase a ticket by clicking here: Ticket to Guru Purnima 2022 at DBMC.

Please bring a flower with you and a wish!

Exploring the Veda in 2022 - a course of Advanced Knowledge

All Vedic Meditators are invited to attend the Advanced Course entitled Exploring the Veda.

The knowledge and tools you will learn on this course will fast track your growth to higher states of consciousness, transform your waking state experience and help you realise your life purpose.

The Exploring the Veda course is conducted in 6 instalments in a non-residential setting.

Instalment 1 will take place as follows:

Friday April 1st, 2022 - 4pm to 9.30pm
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 - 12pm to 6pm
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 - 12pm to 5pm

Each instalment will be facilitated by Stephanie Colman at her centre in Bondi. There will be a 1½ hour Q&A session with Limor Babai at the Double Bay Meditation Centre after each instalment.

For further details about the course, please click here: Exploring the Veda.

Upcoming Long Weekend Retreat - May 13th to 16th, 2021

All Vedic Meditators are invited to attend this Long Weekend Retreat in beautiful Bowral, Southern Highlands from Thursday 13th May (6.30pm) to Sunday 16th May (2pm). 


During the Retreat, you will learn and practise 'Rounding'.  ‘Rounding' combines a simple sequence of yoga positions (asanas) and a Vedic breathing technique (pranayama) with your current meditation practice. 

The result is an 'industrial-strength' program designed to enhance the restfulness of meditation, release your deepest stresses and expand your consciousness. 

In addition to advancing both your meditation practice and waking state experience of life, you will come away from the Retreat feeling refreshed and revitalised for months to come. 

For further details, please click here: Weekend Retreat

Exploring the Veda in 2021 - a course of Advanced Knowledge

All Vedic Meditators are invited to attend the Advanced Course entitled Exploring the Veda.

The knowledge and tools you will learn on this course will fast track your growth to higher states of consciousness, transform your waking state experience and help you realise your life purpose.


The Exploring the Veda course is conducted in 6 instalments in a non-residential setting.

Instalment 1 will take place as follows:

Friday February 26th, 2021 - 4pm to 9.30pm
Saturday February 27th, 2021 - 12pm to 6pm
Sunday February 28th, 2021 - 12pm to 5pm

Each instalment will be facilitated by Stephanie Colman at her centre in Bondi. There will be a 1½ hour Q&A session with Limor Babai at the Double Bay Meditation Centre after each instalment.

For further details about the course, please click here: Exploring the Veda.

Upcoming Long Weekend Retreat - September 10th to 13th, 2020


All Vedic Meditators are invited to attend this Long Weekend Retreat in beautiful Bowral, Southern Highlands from Thursday 10th September (6.30pm) to Sunday 13th September (2pm). 

During the Retreat, you will learn and practise 'Rounding'.  ‘Rounding' combines a simple sequence of yoga positions (asanas) and a Vedic breathing technique (pranayama) with your current meditation practice. 

The result is an 'industrial-strength' program designed to enhance the restfulness of meditation, release your deepest stresses and expand your consciousness. 

In addition to advancing both your meditation practice and waking state experience of life, you will come away from the Retreat feeling refreshed and revitalised for months to come. 

For further details, please click here: Weekend Retreat

Weekly Group Meditation Meetings at the Double Bay Meditation Centre

Commencing on Monday 15th June at 6.30pm, we will be holding our weekly Group Meditation Meetings at the Centre in Double Bay. For those of you who would prefer to attend these meetings via Zoom, that option is still available. If you would like to attend these meetings via Zoom, please contact us and we will email you all the details about how you can connect online.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

With love,


Exploring the Veda in 2020 - a course of Advanced Knowledge


All Vedic Meditators are invited to attend the Advanced Course entitled Exploring the Veda.

The knowledge and tools you will learn on this course will fast track your growth to higher states of consciousness, transform your waking state experience and help you realise your life purpose.

The Exploring the Veda course is conducted in 6 instalments in a non-residential setting.

Instalment 1 will take place as follows:

Friday July 17th, 2020 - 4pm to 9.30pm
Saturday July 18th, 2020 - 12.30pm to 6.30pm
Sunday July 19th, 2020 - 1pm to 5pm

Each instalment will be facilitated by Stephanie Colman at her centre in Bondi. There will be a 1½ hour Q&A session with Limor Babai at the Double Bay Meditation Centre after each instalment.

For further details about the course, please click here: Exploring the Veda.

Mastering the Siddhis in 2020 - a course for the Advanced Vedic Meditator


If you have completed or are in the process of completing the Exploring the Veda Course then you are eligible to attend the life-changing Mastering the Siddhis Course.

Instalment 1 will be facilitated by Limor Babai on July 11th and 12th, 2020 at the Double Bay Meditation Centre.

For further details about the course and to view the dates, please click here: Mastering the Siddhis.

Accessing the Source of Happiness within

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Vedic Meditation gives us the opportunity to step out of Object Referral Consciousness, and to embrace Self Referral Consciousness.

Object Referral Consciousness is characterised by the conviction that someone (or something) other than oneself is the source and the cause of our happiness; likewise, someone (something, many people, many things) other than oneself is the source and the cause of our unhappiness or our circumstances in life. Object Referral Consciousness doesn’t take responsibility for one’s own experience and attributes blame on others: the opinion is that; ’I am not responsible for my suffering; the behaviours and shortfalls of others is the cause of my suffering’. Consequently, to minimise suffering, it is believed that absolutely everything must be controlled; all experiences, all thinking, all actions, all attitudes, in all people. This is obviously not sustainable because there is no body and no thing that was purpose built to make us happy.

During the practice of Vedic Meditation, we allow the mind to naturally and effortlessly de-excite, settle down and experience bliss consciousness. Consistently experiencing this, over time, yields a state of baseline inner happiness or true and lasting happiness which is one of the features of Self Referral Consciousness.

Self Referral Consciousness is the sustainable approach to happiness because it is based on:
- tapping into the source of happiness within (the type of happiness that is not circumstantial).
- and then attracting to our lives all of the desirable things and circumstances that reflect our true state of happiness.
In this model, we cultivate our happiness from within; it’s lasting - no matter what is happening around us.

Self Referral Consciousness is characterised by the following understanding, based on experience:
‘I am Totality; my consciousness is cosmic, It inhabits not only this human body, it inhabits all bodies and all things.
I am Self-sufficient.
I am Nature’s intelligence Itself,
I am the fountainhead of all creativity.
I cannot be made happy; I have Self-sufficient happiness.’

With love,

What more can I do for the world?


“What more can I do for the world?” is the spontaneous implicit question of the capable person. 

Every meditator develops greater capability day by day, and wants naturally to know what more can be done to bring;
greater peace to a world that is suffering, 
greater wisdom to the lives of those surrounding oneself, 
more happiness to one’s family and loved ones. 

It turns out that the best thing we can do for anyone else is simply to be in the highest possible state of consciousness, ourselves, at all times. For that, regular twice-daily meditation is a must. Its cumulative effect is well-documented and self-evident. 

Support of Nature in our actions is evidence of one’s relevance to evolution. Stressed and needy behaviour is not relevant to a stressed and needy world. Capability and relevance, and good health and longevity all are infinitely correlated. Higher consciousness is their basis. 

Suffering results from thoughts and actions that fail to be relevant to evolution; socially relevant, ecologically relevant -relevant to our fellow humans’ evolutionary needs. 

Every meditator contributes most to the collective by settling down into that simplest form of awareness twice daily and thereby fine-tuning oneself to live spontaneously in accordance with the evolutionary need of the time. And through contact with all those who surround us, we are able to make a positive contribution to the world.

With love,

Self-sufficiency; the solution to all problems


The Veda proclaims that "the individual is Cosmic”.

When we practise Vedic Meditation and the individual mind contacts Being, it learns to stop the false assumption that the individual and the Universe “are separate”.

Self-sufficiency is the product that comes from the mind incorporating the inner bliss of Being into our waking state experience.  Self-sufficiency allows us to have adaptive responses to demands (changes of expectation) and find within ourselves solutions to life's challenges because fears and doubts about “the world out there, including the people” somehow determining what we experience start diminishing.

Bad decisions are based in fear, which, itself, is a case of mistaken identity.

The home of all the laws of nature, the place wherein perfect balance resides, is within us, beyond thinking, in Being, the direct experience of which attunes us to nature’s way.

Suffering in all its forms, including both individual and collective suffering, comes about when, wittingly or unwittingly, we live in ways that violate the evolutionary need of the time.

As humans upon this Earth we have a unique opportunity to rediscover our truly-never-lost oneness with nature’s intelligence, expressed in our capability to live life in bliss, attuned spontaneously with the laws of nature.  This is the true meaning of Self-sufficiency which results in an evenness of mind in pleasure and pain, loss and gain, victory and defeat.

Practising Vedic Meditation twice every day develops Self-sufficiency in a natural, effortless and spontaneous way.

With love,